We Can.

WE CAN, aims to enhance disability inclusion in vocational training and employment for young women with disabilities in Nairobi County. Over two years, the project will directly benefit 200 youths with disabilities, aged 18-30, by providing leadership, mentorship, and entrepreneurship training, vocational and employability skills development, and capacity-building workshops led by business leaders and government officials.

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Ready Steady GO.

The READY STEADY GO Project (RSG), aims to support the early development of children with disabilities in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Kenya. Active in 10 schools in Nairobi County, the project seeks to improve access to quality ECE for 300 children with disabilities through inclusive play and early identification strategies. Key initiatives include training over 40 teachers, distributing assistive devices to over 200 children, forming Parent Support Groups, and fostering integration through child rights clubs and inclusive play activities.

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The Sports and Livelihood for Deaf Empowerment Project project combines football training sessions, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship education to enhance their personal and professional development. Key activities include regular football training, digital and entrepreneurial skill-building, football tournaments, and a graduation ceremony to celebrate the participants' achievements.

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